Truss & Stage

Stage,Truss & StageTruss

Galvanizing technology for steel trusses

Galvanizing technology for steel trusses

Galvanizing, a surface treatment technique that coats the surface of a metal, alloy, or other material with a layer of zinc for aesthetics, rust prevention, and the like.

Galvanized trusses, steel truss products treated with galvanizing technology, are among the advertising equipment of choice for most advertisers.


To some extent, "galvanizing" is the best choice for people to choose advertising equipment.

Because in the harsh outdoor environment, galvanizing, rust and corrosion resistance, such products can allow customers to buy with confidence, in order to make customers feel that buying will not suffer.


Therefore, the appearance of the galvanized truss is silvery white, the surface is smooth, no zinc, burr, can give a bright visual enjoyment, like silver. Silver-like truss products, sparkling in the sun, make people look happy.

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