Truss & Stage

Stage,Truss & StageTruss

What are the characteristics of Layer truss? How is it soldered?

What are the characteristics of Layer truss? How is it soldered?

Layer truss Features:

1. It is easy to install and disassemble. After the pin is fixed, it only needs to be hammered or fixed with a hammer or a wooden hammer.

2, the accessories are not easy to lose, the pin is limited by the rivet on the crossbar, easy to save.

3, good stability, widely used in bridge pouring support, construction, stage background, lighting frame and other fields.

The most common specifications in the market are: 2m*2m*2m and 2m*1.8m*1.8m.

Layer truss Welding method: automatic welding or manual welding (generally gas shielded welding).


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