Truss & Stage

Stage,Truss & StageTruss

Reala mobile scaffolding product use

Reala mobile scaffolding product use

1. It is used for supporting in the formwork of buildings, halls, bridges, viaducts, tunnels, etc. or as the main frame for flying model support.

2. Use mobile scaffolding accessories and simple roof trusses to form a temporary construction site dormitory, warehouse or shed.

3. For temporary stands and stands.

Rea frame our scaffolding series:

Sheng Yixin's scaffolding mainly includes: Reia shelf, disc scaffolding, door scaffolding, ladder scaffolding, double-layer scaffolding. The scaffolding is galvanized, and the welding point is fully welded, which is safe and secure, and the welding place is treated with anti-rust silver paint.

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