Truss & Stage

Stage,Truss & StageTruss

Why does the galvanized truss rust?

Why does the galvanized truss rust?

The appearance of the galvanized truss is silvery white, the surface is smooth, no zinc, burr, can give a bright visual enjoyment, like silver.

Silver-like truss products, sparkling in the sun, make people look happy.

At the same time, it also indicates that goodness is only temporary. If you want to keep good, you must have careful protection.


In use, the truss is far more flexible than other products, but it is also vulnerable to long-term exposure to outdoor environments.

The use of long-lasting truss products, without paying attention to protection, will be rusty, giving people a sense of staleness, and the advertising effect is greatly reduced.


Good products, such as galvanized truss rust and corrosion resistance, can also pay attention to protection, in order to improve the efficiency of utilization. If not, it will only be "cheap" for galvanizing manufacturers.


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