Truss & Stage

Stage,Truss & StageTruss

Why is it that night aluminum alloy light truss is cheap?

Why is it that night aluminum alloy light truss is cheap?


The picture shows the aluminum alloy light truss in Suzhou at night. The truss is made of 200*200 round pipe truss. In this shape, the table is built with truss and the chair is arranged next to it. The construction of the table was proposed by the truss sales staff, which solved the problem that the table could not be rented. The truss is equipped with a light strip to match the atmosphere of the night, fireworks and lights.

The price of aluminum alloy trusses is higher than that of steel trusses, but why do customers choose aluminum alloy instead of steel, and also say that aluminum alloy is cheaper? In fact, the value is not only the price, but also the durability and time, even the transportation costs. Aluminum alloy trusses are relatively expensive, but they are light in weight and strong in corrosion resistance, and are used in areas with high humidity.

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