Truss & Stage

Stage,Truss & StageTruss

The importance of the stage truss

The importance of the stage truss

As a part of the stage truss, the stage is a platform-style existence. The platform of the stage, first of all, is horizontal, so that the performers can perform safely and smoothly on the table.

The shape of the sand sculpture on the stage is generally stepped on the basis of the platform, or the edge is curved, or it can be a circular stage. The stage can also be made into a glass table as needed.


The truss is part of the stage truss shape, usually a background truss and a light and sound shelf. The background truss is placed behind the stage as a background, which can be extended to both sides. Different styles are required according to requirements. The lighting and sound shelves are generally set around the top and above the stage, surrounded by truss pillars and the top is used to hang lights.

There are also some theaters and large events, and the truss is only part of the stage as a lighting stand. The light truss is set according to the contour of the stage, such as the T-stage, and the truss is also built above the extension part for the lighting of the part.

If it is a stage with irregular graphics, adjust accordingly. The truss of the large outdoor stage will be equipped with a special shape truss in the center of the stage, which can both provide a decorative effect and provide a lighting effect.

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