Truss & Stage

Stage,Truss & StageTruss

How to choose to buy stage truss?

How to choose to buy stage truss?

Stage trusses are used more and more in large-scale events, especially in outdoor activities.

How should we choose when we buy?

First, choose the material of the stage truss

Stage trusses are divided into aluminum alloy stage and steel stage. Among them, the price of steel stage truss has obvious advantages. If you want to consider the transportation quality, it is recommended to choose aluminum alloy, which is lighter and easier to transport.

Second, choose the type of stage

The stage truss is divided into the Reya stage, the buckle stage, and the insertion stage. There are mainly some differences on the column, as shown in the figure below.

(Layer stage)

(buckle stage)

(Insert stage)

Furthermore, choose the stage board

The stage board generally uses a non-slip board, the specification is generally 18mm, and the regular color of the stage board is black and red.

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