Truss & Stage

Stage,Truss & StageTruss

welcome to stage&truss - stage

welcome to stage&truss - stage

it is made by two parts: 

1) the stage top deck : it is the 18mm thickness plywood (or 18mm thickness transparent glass top)

it is special for the stage  use, it is heavy loading weight, skid-proof, water-proof, fire-proof, 

2) the stage aluminium frame : it is include the aluminium structure frame, stage leg

and floor adjustable base ,(it is with 20cm adjustable height when the floor is not on level)


the stage standard model is :

1) 1.22m*1.22m for each pcs ( 4ft*4ft for each pcs) ,   loading weight: 1150KG for each pcs

2) 1.22m*2.44m for each pcs ( 4ft*8ft for each pcs) ,   loading weight: 1500KG for each pcs

height often from 0.6m-0.8m-1.0m-1.2m adjustable , 

height from 0.2m to 2.0m can made by our needs too .

it is the combine stage, moving stage, mobile stage,set up together by pcs and pcs stage , 

so the total size and design can build by your needs,

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