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Truss Case

5.5x3.5m lighting truss for the small stage of the annual meeting

5.5x3.5m lighting truss for the small stage of the annual meeting

On the second day of the new year and the first day of the work day, did you devote yourself to your work? Are you preparing for the annual meeting program? Are you ready for the annual stage?


Annual meeting small stage

A Hangzhou start-up company, in order to celebrate the annual meeting, held a small performance event on its own, building a small stage of the annual meeting with only 16 pieces, a 5.5x3.5 meter lighting truss, the stage is small, the atmosphere is enough!


Annual meeting small stage 1

The theme of the small stage of the annual meeting: I will be friends with songs, I will sing.


Is it like a solo concert under stage lighting?

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